Pure Genius … the Dynamic Jericho Strategy

dynamic Jericho strategy

This Explosive Jericho Strategy Opens the Way to Promise!

As you engage the Jericho Test, you can position yourself to possess the land of promise that God has destined for you. This will glorify God. You can develop as a New Covenant Christ-followers as you learn from the patterns and precedents in the Old Testament.

dynamic Jericho Strategy

You’ll need to pass the “Jericho test” to transition into new territory.

The people of God were finally ready to transition from the wilderness to a land flowing with milk and honey—a territory of fertility and abundance.

Jericho was the first major city to fall in the campaign to possess the Promised Land. See Joshua 6.

The city was built on a hill, so it was difficult to attack. Even more, it was surrounded by 2 walls. The outer wall was 6 feet thick, the inner wall 12 feet. Houses were built on timbers laid across the outer and inner walls.

It was a formidable barrier! Normally an army would siege a city like this for several months, blockading it and starving the people.

But pure genius came to Joshua and the Israelites!

See the complimentary article, Make a Joyful Noise and See God Act!

What does the experience of God’s people at Jericho have to teach us today? We can develop as New Covenant Christ-followers as we learn from the patterns and precedents we see in the Old Testament. Paul wrote, “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Romans 15:4 NKJV). These patterns and precedents reach their complete fulfillment in Christ. The glory of the New Covenant surpasses the glory of the Old Covenant (see 2 Corinthians 3:7-11). “For as many as the promises of God are, in Him they are yes; therefore through Him also is our Amen to the glory of God through us” (2 Corinthians 1:20 NASB).

The Commander Will Rise Over Your Challenge

Just before the conquest of Jericho, Joshua encountered a Man with a drawn sword (see Joshua 5). This was a pre-incarnate visitation of Jesus Christ.

Joshua fell on his face and worshiped the captain of the Lord’s angel armies. Just as Moses took off his shoes before the burning bush, Joshua was told to take off his shoes … for he was on holy ground.

Joshua positioned himself to receive special directives.

watch barriers fall

The explosive Jericho strategy is to position ourselves before The Commander. Receive specific directives. Then, don’t say what most are saying. Lift up your shout (high praise and your life message) to the King and watch barriers fall!

What happened? The Israelites marched around the city once per day for 6 days in complete silence. Only the 7 priests blew trumpets of rams horns before the Ark of the Lord as they marched.

Then on the 7th day, when the priests blew the trumpets the people raised a great shout. As they shouted to the Lord, it was the Commander of the Lord’s army who ascended in their shout to reign over their challenge!

Can we imagine the angelic activity which was released when the walls of Jericho were flattened?

The sound of joyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; the right hand of the Lord does valiantly (Psalm 118:15 NASB).

Can you see the correlation between the “sound of joyful shouting and salvation” and the activity of the “right hand of the Lord?”

Jericho Strategy Takeaways …

  1. Discover precedent from the epic Jericho event. Seek fresh encounters with The Commander. Commit to his directives. Don’t declare what the world is saying. Be silent. Then shout with heaven’s sound!
  2. Take some time to think about the signal-to-noise ratio in your life. How can you filter the noise around you? And what about the noise on the inside? Resolve to discover and amplify the true signal of your life. That will come from above.
  3. Release your shout with high praise—make a joyful noise! Declare God’s promises with firm faith. Speak! Remember, your shout is an authentic internal voice, a life-voice which guides and overcomes. Your shout is greater than all other noise.
  4. As the sound of your life-shout increases, expect God to ascend over the affairs of your life. “Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered” (Psalm 68:1 NKJV).

As you engage this Kingdom Dynamic, you can progressively possess the land of promise that God has destined for you. In this, God will receive glory and his purpose will be realized.

Thought? Comments? Drop them below in the comment section. Every blessing (Ephesians 1:3) as you commit to the directives of the Commander and release a Higher Sound!

image: public domain, Wikimedia Commons, source: Doré’s English Bible

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