New Kingdom Ways of Seeing, Understanding, and Speaking

One of the leading things Jesus works on in our lives is transforming our minds, our inner beings. Everything flows from this well into our personal world, and further into the world around us. Jesus will mentor you in new Kingdom ways of seeing, thinking, and speaking.

Let’s think about it. Coming to Jesus means that we learn from him. “All things have been delivered to Me by My Father … Come to me … take my yoke upon you (Kingdom apprenticeship) and learn from Me” (Matthew 11:27-29 NKJV).

New Kingdom ways are the Jesus Way. He offers an abundant, alternative life that is different to everything you’ve known. The Jesus Way is the future. The “world” that Jesus brings to us now and here is a precursor of the time when he will restore all things. Short video: See John Eldredge on The Restoration of All Things.

Can I quickly share with you an “airdrop” — 3 “New Kingdom Ways” I hope will add value at this time? This is just a small sample of several new Kingdom ways I am thinking about. Let me say this … the World of Jesus is big enough, beautiful enough to fulfill you.

This post is adapted from a recent Jesus Smart eLetter. We’d love for you to receive it. See the sign up form at the bottom of this article.

We learn to see, understand, and speak in new Kingdom ways

As we yield to Jesus, he transforms how we see and understand. And he gives us new language.

In his apostolic ministry, Paul said he ministered using “words taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words” (1 Cor 2:13 NASB).

Now we’re not apostles like Paul, but I believe this Kingdom Dynamic can work in our lives too. This must be at play in our lifestyle if we’re to experience the abundant life of Christ! We too can receive spiritual thoughts and words taught by the Holy Spirit. Scripture intake is so vital to abide in Christ and yield the good things he has prepared for us — hear Jesus in John 15:1-8.

So how is your language (and the quality of thought behind it)? Is it generative, creating and shaping the present and future in beautiful ways? Or is it degenerative, degrading and tearing things apart?

Here’s another way to ask these questions …

Is your language merely descriptive, talking about what is? Ad nauseam. Ad infinitum — again and again in the same way. Or is it prescriptive and (can I use the word?) prophetic … speaking about the good things that will be? “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17 NASB).

Allow the truth of this proverb to penetrate your inner man: “A good man will be satisfied from above” (Prov 14:14 NKJV).

God Talks Up Horizons

God talks up horizons — “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure'” (Isaiah 46:10 NKJV).

And as children, we’re meant to imitate our Father, right? I’m not saying we are God of course. We are his growing daughters and sons. We are created in his image.

We’re to be Godlike. And one of the ways we imitate Father God is to echo his thoughts and words about everything — as much as we have ears for.

God talks up horizons. We should too as He leads us.

Let’s know this for sure: we will never escape the story we tell ourselves.

Behold, the capacity to blur things!

new kingdom ways

What if you were to learn to blur things out? Everything except what the Holy Spirit is leading you into?

In psychology, there is something called selective attention: the capacity to react to certain stimuli selectively when several occur simultaneously. Benjamin Hardy says “our mind focuses on things which seem relevant to us.”

How can we apply this to Christ-following? Most importantly, we are to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the author (or leader) and perfector of our faith” (Heb 12:2 NASB).

Then we are to focus on that path he has for us …

“Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Watch the path of your feet, and all your ways will be established” (Proverbs 4:25-26 NASB).

Honestly, what am I giving my attention to? Don’t underestimate the resistance around the issues of focus and attention. There can even be spiritual warfare connected to these issues.

I should say this: “Hey, Everything Else, you’re not that important to me. My prime focus is for Jesus and his pathway for me.”

Learn to give Drama and Distraction the attention it deserves. Just about none.

I want Jesus and the pathway he has for me to be high resolution. Everything else? Blur it to low resolution. Not the other way around.

Related: Achieve a Higher Internal State to Live a Better Life (Jesus Smart)

Live in bold relief

And here’s a third one …

What if I thought, spoke, prayed, and acted in bold relief — the imprint of God’s design emerging in bold relief against the backdrop of everything else?

Ol’ Nasty Slewfoot will try to grind you down with this thing we call life. If he can he’ll sand you down and make you blend in with the grain of everything around you. He does not want the glory of God seen on you. And through you.

It’s not so for the growing child of God. You’re different. Special. Can I give you a charge? Allow the design of God to surface in you … and via you into your personal world. And then take it further to the world at large.

Say this out loud:

“I will live today in bold relief! Father work in me and through me, that which pleases you. I want it all. For you. I’m here for your pleasure.”

Be encouraged! By the Spirit of Jesus, we’re going to rise and meet this moment. Stay connected. Let me know your thoughts. “Reply” to reach out.

Appreciate you.


This post is adapted from a recent Jesus Smart eLetter. We’d love for you to receive it.

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