Quest with us

Our MissioN

Jesus is super brilliant for all of life. And here’s the potential — we can grow in the Mind of Christ.
Justice. Community. Society. Relationships. Money. Well-being. Meaning. Eternal life is a superior quality of life. And Jesus offers His own life to us starting now.

The Quest for Christ is the main attraction in life. The Kingdom reality that Jesus offers is worth the seeking.

A reimagined life

There is Good News here! Jesus of Nazareth offers a life that is reimagined. Jesus is our Redeeming Savior and Lord over all life domains. Our Life Story can beautifully contribute to the Grand Story of Jesus Christ. Right now. Wherever we are.

Our Core Values

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Locavit liberioris possedit
Diremit mundi mare undae
Spectent tonitrua mutastis