Apostolic People: Everything Works by Love (June 23, 2023)

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Friday, June 23, 2023

Hello, Friend

Welcome to the Royal Brew Letter ... the only newsletter that has pool hair like a Levite, but doesn't really care.

See the Insights & Trends at the end of the letter.

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King Jesus is building an "apostolic" people

In this series, we're believing the Holy Spirit is forming an apostolic people.

This is the 3rd part in our series. Did you miss the 1st or 2nd part? Solution  >>  See past newsletters on the JS site.

Understand "apostolic" as a descriptor (adjective) for the people of God ... for those who have ears to hear as Jesus says to us today!

This is the energy of primitive, raw Christianity!

I love the term Leonard Sweet uses: "ancient-futurist people."

Pray about it. Look for this edge today as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work in our world. What can this mean for you.

A 3rd element of an "apostolic" people is the God-kind-of-love.

The kingdom of God works by love

"Apostolic" is architectural in nature. You are building something. In truth, God is building with you!

And how does God build? You say, "By faith."

Yes. But faith works by love (Galatians 5:6).

Did you know that the movement that Jesus started was known as The Way in the Book of Acts? And of course, Jesus self-identified as “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).

Jesus Way best practices are dynamic. A core Jesus Way best practice is to grow in a lifestyle of love.

Why am I saying that love is the basis of everything? Because “God is love” (1 John 4:8). It’s core to his nature.

Everything that comes from him is love-based. And so it’s foundational to the entire creation.

Love is coded into all reality.

Authentic love always desires the best interests of its object.

What does love do? It’s self-sacrificing. True love serves and gives to the point of laying down our lives for others ...

“We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives …” (1 John 3:16 NASB).

Love opens the door to what’s best. True love is passionate about Higher Design. It’s discerning. It does not compromise.

LATEST EPISODE: The Cross Factor: Unlock Your Life (Ep 307)  Listen >  JesusSmart.com/307

Creation is "coded" with love

In its essence, creation is “coded” with love. It’s created by love and “wired” for love.

If I try to activate any of the Kingdom dynamics of Jesus without love, I can expect no success. Zero.

Apart from love, I accomplish nothing of any worth. “I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal … I am nothing … I gain nothing” (1 Cor. 13:1-3 ESV).

Noisy Gong Ministry.

James sees loving our neighbor as the fulfillment of the royal law (James 2:8).

Jesus Way best practices are love-based, love-motivated and love-sustained … they simply do not work without the God-kind-of-love.

Insights & trends ...

  • The war against IDENTITY is the war against the dynamic of FATHERHOOD. All Fatherhood derives its essence from the Fatherhood of God. Now we know a primary battleline that we need to run to.
  • Seek to be connected to the right people to access the missing solutions, truth, and Spirit Dynamics in your life. "In Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others" (Romans 12.5 NIV). Together, we have the Mind of Christ. Talk to the Holy Spirit about it. Ask him to fit you together.
  • Your Body: Rocket Ship or Millstone? 7 Ways to Harness the Body for Your Mission (BruceColbert.com). Your body is a rocket ship for your mission or a millstone around your neck. You get to choose which one applies to you. {This article is by Bruce Colbert, a reader of The Royal Brew Newsletter.)

Appreciate you. Until next time.

Brian Del Turco


love, newsletter

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