The Shocking Advantage of the Underdog of God (Ep 229)

Are you facing a stiff challenge? Or maybe a promising opportunity, but it seems like such a long shot. There are advantages to being an underdog—we’re forced to be creative and innovative. We break out of that limiting “box” to potentially rise to a new level.

The almost 3000-year-old account of David and Goliath is the perfect underdog touchstone. The ginormous Philistine arrogantly presumed how the life and death contest would play out. But he had no way of knowing what was coming at him! He was about to be taken down by an “underdog!”

[Scroll down for links, resources, and scripture on this topic.]

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Go Further

David’s super genius

Yes, David was a highly skilled “slinger.” But when he released that stone, it was really riding on the higher energy of …

  • David’s connection and covenant relationship with God.
  • His faithful lifestyle of intimate worship.
  • The personal victories he was building upon in his private life (he killed the lion and the bear while watching his father’s sheep).

Is there something that needs to be severed from your life?

Let’s think about it … what needs to be nullified (listen to the podcast to understand what I mean here) in our lives, or in the world around us?

  • Is it something relationally?
  • Is it in the realm of finances or business?
  • Is there a challenge in the areas of physical, mental, or emotional well-being?
  • Is there an impact you desire to make?

If we feel intimidated or overwhelmed about something, let’s start allowing hope to rise within. Like David, let’s go deeper, develop our internal state, and discover hidden keys to execute a surprising victory.

The unheard story of David and Goliath | Malcolm Gladwell Ted Talk

Recommended Book Resource on the power of the underdog!

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell

(from Amazon) Three thousand years ago on a battlefield in ancient Palestine, a shepherd boy felled a mighty warrior with nothing more than a pebble and a sling-and ever since, the names of David and Goliath have stood for battles between underdogs and giants. David’s victory was improbable and miraculous. He shouldn’t have won. Or should he?

Malcolm Gladwell challenges how we think about obstacles and disadvantages, offering a new interpretation of what it means to be discriminated against, suffer from a disability, lose a parent, attend a mediocre school, or endure any number of other apparent setbacks.

Get your copy (affiliate*)


overcomer, overcoming, podcast, underdog

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