Can You Believe That All Things Are Yours in Christ?
Jesus seemed to act like his traveling band of disciples owned everything!“When the day began…
Jesus Offers Life Outside the Box! Abundant Life.
Life outside the box! It’s non-conforming. Wild. Creative and innovative. No one can bust you…
Instead of Taking a Rake to the Face — Always. Be. Ready.
We are surrounded by unknowns. We don’t know what a new day may bring to…
You Have Authority to Name Things
In Christ, we are re-qualified for the Kingdom. One of our new capacities is that…
The Surprising Advantage of Being an “Underdog”
Are you facing a challenge of some type? If so, should you feel bad about…
How to Self-Sabotage Your Prayers
God is infinite. And so our prayer potential is without limits! Often, though, we don’t…
Level Up Your Internal State with Scripture
Our internals create our externals. We can level up our internal state with the expressed…
Shift the Environment. Pray. Then Proclaim.
Is something sick or dying in your world? It’s comeback time. Peter modeled something for…
You Can Access Power to Move Mountains!
You have the potential to move mountains out of your way by accessing and releasing…