Prayer Is Limitless Potential (Pod #71)

prayer is limitless potential

Prayer is such massive potential! And our development in prayer is limitless. As we discover more of our standing before the Throne of All, all bets are off! The lid is lifted … in our personal affairs and in the contribution that we bring to life. Without a doubt, prayer is limitless potential.

Developing our confidence in prayer is a key element of overcoming faith.

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O the power of private prayer! I hath a kind of omnipotency in it.

Thomas Brook

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Resources to Go Deeper — Prayer Is Limitless Potential

You Can Invite the Potential of Christ Into Anything (Jesus Smart)

You Can Access Power to Move Mountains (Jesus Smart)

2 Kinds of Essential Prayer: 1) Taking Your Place in Christ Daily 2) Cutting Off Attacks (Ransomed Heart, John Eldredge)

John Eldredge wrote a book on prayer: Moving Mountains: Praying with Passion, Confidence & Authority. In this 8-min video, John talks about how prayer is partnership with God. It’s about developing a conversational intimacy. And God teaches us to pray by placing us in circumstances where we have to pray at another level! And remember, never give up on prayer — things are happening, both in ourselves and in circumstances, while we continue to pray.

Jesus Smart: The Podcast

We’re resolved that Jesus Christ is the most brilliant person to walk the planet — He knows how life works best. The future not only belongs to him, it’s showing up in the present. We’re questing after Kingdom themes … what Jesus taught and modeled.

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