“Hey, Herod, Unwrap This!” — Christmas Special 2019 (Pod 101)

Hey, Herod, Unwrap This!

The Son of God arriving in our world in human form was an invasion of the Kingdom of God. The demonized King Herod was crazed and paranoid about the Christ Child. “Hey, Herod, Unwrap This!”

It’s all a graphic portrayal of Satan’s demise. And of our triumph in Christ. Now, this is a Christmas to celebrate!

See ‘Go Deeper’ below …

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Go Deeper — “Hey, Herod, Unwrap This!”

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.

Genesis 3:15 NASB

Related on Jesus Smart: Advent Advancing Is Devasting News for the Dragon, Ultimate “Disruptive Innovation” … the Christ Child!, and Heaven and Earth Merging in You.

The creative Word of God transforms our minds. Affirm these Scriptural statements about the preeminence of Christ over all things (from Ephesians and Colossians):

  • “All things have been created through Him and for Him.”
  • “He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.”
  • “He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead.”
  • “He is raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father in the heavenly places.”
  • “He is far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, in this age and in the age to come.”
  • “All things have been placed under His feet.”
  • “He is head of the body, the church.”
  • “He has been given as head over all things to the church.”
  • “He will come to have first place in everything.”

Life Reflection

The incarnation of Jesus Christ was heaven’s invasion into a lost world—it’s the advance of Advent!

  • Have you ever considered that God always wins? What can that mean for you?
  • How can you apply Revelation 12:11 to your life? “And they overcame him (Satan, the accuser) because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”
  • Advent is advancing in history. Is it advancing in your life and personal world? Is it advancing in your sphere of influence?

Prayer & Affirmation

The first Advent was a bad day for the Adversary. And it’s only getting worse!

Father in Heaven, I thank you for sending Your Son.

The head of the dragon has been crushed — Satan is under our feet!

I praise You that Advent is advancing. It’s advancing in history … and it’s advancing in my life.

Be strong in me, Jesus. And be strong through me.

It’s Advent every day of the year. For me, and for all that concerns me!

All glory to Jesus who is victorious over all things!


Advent advancing — the defiance of Christmas! (G.K. Chesterton)

Christmas is an invasion into enemy territory. G. K. Chesterton wrote that we take in the fragrance today of that “explosion in the Judean hills” 2000 years ago. The cave is an outlaw’s den, an outpost, a fortress in enemy territory. Herod’s days are marked. The Dragon’s doom is sealed!

“There is something defiant in it also; something that makes the abrupt bells at midnight sound like the great guns of a battle that has just been won. All this indescribable thing that we call the Christmas atmosphere only hangs in the air as something like a lingering fragrance or fading vapour from the exultant explosion of that one hour in the Judean hills nearly two thousand years ago. But the savour is still unmistakable, and it is something too subtle or too solitary to be covered by our use of the word peace. By the very nature of the story the rejoicings in the cavern were rejoicings in a fortress or an outlaw’s den; properly understood it is not unduly flippant to say they were rejoicings in a dug-out…. It is also that there is in that image a true idea of an outpost, of a piercing through the rock and an entrance into an enemy territory. There is in this buried divinity an idea of undermining the world; of shaking the towers and palaces from below; even as Herod the great king felt that earthquake under him and swayed with his swaying palace.” (Excerpt from G.K Chesterton’s chapter The God in the Cave in The Everlasting Man.)

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