Trinity Harrison-Clark says that Jesus Christ has transformed her worldview and given her enthusiasm to create real change with today’s college students
Are young adults experiencing the dimensions of what Jesus offers? You may be surprised by this conversation. Matt Raines joins us for Kingdom Color Commentary. Plus we have an audio segment from N.T. Wright, world-renowned New Testament scholar.
Stream episode #95:
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Stream episode #99, the 2nd part of this conversation:
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Meet Trinity Harrison-Clark
Trinity Harrison-Clark is a graduate of Kent State University with a degree in Biology.
Her testimony is that Jesus Christ has transformed her worldview and given her a passion to create real change. She wants to help college students today realize and reach their full potential in Jesus so that after graduation they will transform the world around them in their career fields.
Trinity serves as a Campus Ministry Staff member and Cross-Cultural Ministry Associate with the Coalition of Christian Outreach.
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