Why live under a lid? That’s right — you have the potential to be empowered with super-creativity. In all life domains. And in the world you influence.
Especially when you relate to the Holy Spirit and allow his creativity to partner with you. Challenges can be superseded. Opportunities can be exploited.
Adam Carver from Shipley, England is our special guest in this episode.
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Listen to episode #153: Yes, You’re Designed for Super Creativity — Adam Carver
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Go Deeper — You’re Designed for Super-Creativity
Adam Carver
Christian Life Church, Shipley, England
If you are God, your work is to create out of nothing. If you are not God, but like God — that is, if you are human — your work is to take what God has made and shape it and use it to make him look great.
John Piper, Don’t Waste Your Life
“Never Lose a Holy Curiosity” — Albert Einstein (Jesus Smart article)
Make God Look Great. Create. (Desiring God article)
You Can Be Super-Creative in Christ! Ep 99.9 (Jesus Smart podcast episode)
RECEIVE A WEEKLY EMAIL WITH NEXT-LEVEL CONTENT — actionable insights and modeling from Jesus to help you live your best life. Plus, you’ll be in the know about new podcast episodes. Yes! Send me the eLetter.