Smart Discipleship That Advances Your “Kingdom Career” — Isaac & Silvia Rowe (Pod #73)

“Discipleship” is the maturation process of becoming more like Jesus — in both his character and competencies (the ventures he modeled). You can advance your Kingdom Career.

Listen to Part 1 of this conversation with Isaac & Silvia

The Holy Spirit is the Ultimate Teacher to help us “learn Christ.” Kingdom Clusters (specialized affinity groupings) are emerging to accelerate our advancement … small is the new big.

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Soak continually in the one great truth of which you have had a vision; take it to bed with you, sleep with it, rise up in the morning with it. Continually bring your imagination into captivity to it and slowly and surely as the months and years go by, God will make you one of His specialists in that particular truth.

Oswald Chambers

Isaac & Silvia Rowe

Kingdom Life Church Cleveland

Realty Trust Services (Isaac)

D’Amico Translations (Silvia)

Go Deeper — Advance Your Kingdom Career

The Noble Heart with Gary Barkalow (personal calling)

How Does the Disciple Live? (Dallas Willard)

We’re Born Again for Something Now — Not Just to Go to Heaven Someday (Jesus Smart)

What Is Discipleship? (John Eldredge, Ransomed Heart)

Jesus Smart: The Podcast

We’re resolved that Jesus Christ is the most brilliant person to walk the planet — He knows how life works best. The future not only belongs to him, it’s showing up in the present. We’re questing after Kingdom themes … what Jesus taught and modeled.

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