We can look to Jesus for best practices to experience our best lives as daughters and sons of God. In this episode, we explore a “Jesus tactic” — give no ground to the Devil. As we grow, we can diminish friction and terminate self-sabotaging setbacks that work against momentum. (Live podcast recording)
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Go Further — Shut the Door, Keep Out the Devil!
How do we defeat the enemy? Our victory begins with the name of Jesus on our lips, uttered in fervent prayer. Our triumph is consummated by the transformation of our nature, where Christ Himself dwells as Lord in our hearts.
Francis Frangipane
This is the Jesus Smart article I reference in this episode — How to Defeat the Devil with the Word of God
John Piper on defying and defeating the Devil with the Word of God:
Jesus Smart: The Podcast
We’re resolved that Jesus Christ is the most brilliant person to walk the planet — He knows how life works best. The future not only belongs to him,
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