Faith and Resilience: Navigating Global Governance Efforts — Travis Weber (Ep 328)

Travis Weber, Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs at the Family Research Council, dives into the powerful impact of hosting God’s presence more fully in our lives. In this episode, we discuss why living and working with God’s power is essential today.

Plus, we look at global initiatives from the World Health Organization and the United Nations aiming for unified global governance—and what actions believers can take in response.

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Travis Weber

global governance

Travis S. Weber, J.D., LL.M., is Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs at Family Research Council, where he oversees policy development and engagement with federal and state government officials on issues related to life, family, and religious liberty.

Before joining FRC, Travis practiced law in the areas of civil rights, criminal defense, and military law. He holds a J.D. from Regent University School of Law, where he served as the Notes & Comments Editor on Law Review. Travis also graduated with an LL.M. in International Law (with distinction) and a Certificate in International Human Rights Law from Georgetown University Law Center. Travis previously served as a Navy pilot after graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy.

Family Research Council

The Washington Stand


A Conversation about Global Governance and the WHO | Pray Vote Stand Summit 2024

Tony Perkins host a discussion between Michele Bachmann, Gabe Lyons, and Travis Weber at the Pray Vote Stand Summit 2024 in Washington, D.C.

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The inspired Scriptures stand above all other literature and writing. They are full of the life and Spirit of God. To read, meditate, proclaim, and pray the Scriptures releases the potential of God in our personal world and the world we influence. 

“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us.” Acts 17.26-27 ESV

See Genesis 11.1-9. The whole earth was using the same language. After attempting to build a tower to heaven, God confused their language and scattered them across the earth.

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2 thoughts on “Faith and Resilience: Navigating Global Governance Efforts — Travis Weber (Ep 328)”

  1. GREAT insights into demonic manipulation of unbelieving elites for bringing about satan’s plan for one world government and, more importantly, what we can do to spiritually battle against it. The video on this page, “A Conversation about Global Governance and the WHO” is also WELL worth the time to watch. Thanks for bringing this to our attention Brian!

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