Always. Be. Ready. Also, "My Pronoun Is Legion" (March 31, 2023)

Friday, March 31, 2023

Hello, Friend

Welcome to the Royal Brew Letter ... the only letter in the American Midwest that has had it (!) and is going out alone this weekend to fearlessly sunbathe on a beach and enjoy that great Vitamin D tablet in the sky!

Repentance, Refreshing, and Restoration -- Wild Ox Prayer Feature Episode (Ep 273)

Click to listen to episode 273.

This is a special feature episode from another podcast I host -- the Wild Ox Prayer Podcast. You'll have to listen to appreciate the name!

Pray with me. We highlight the Kingdom prayer dynamic of repentance, refreshment, and restoration. Then we ask Father God to grant us the grace of deep and clear repentance.

Each tight episode spotlights a potent Kingdom Prayer Dynamic. Then we activate a prayer edge in culture, society, and the nations.

LATEST EPISODE: The Cross Factor: Unlock Your Life (Ep 307)  Listen >

My pronoun is "Legion." Satan and the Nashville Church Massacre.

What are the greatest battle fronts in our culture? That's where we have to go with prayer and truth. John Zmirak has fire on his keyboard.

Go read it here.

Always. Be. Ready.

We are surrounded by unknowns. We don’t know what a new day may bring to us. What will the next hour bring?

But we can prepare ...

We can get into a state of readiness. It’s a winning mindset. And a victorious heart set.

Jesus coaches us to be “dressed in readiness” and to stay ignited! “Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps alight” (Luke 12:35 NASB).

This is the Jesus Way — He was never caught off guard. He did not allow circumstances to shove him around and control him. Always in command.

He pursued the Father’s agenda no matter what. He paced himself with the Holy Spirit. He's our touchstone.

This is the PERSONAL COMMAND AND STATE OF READINESS he calls us to. It’s something we can develop in!

Hey, if we have to live in this chaotic, fast-changing milieu (setting, surrounding culture), this is the way to do it. Let's transcend it!

Let's pray this prayer again from the last Royal Brew Newsletter

Father, I thank you for creating me in your image. I’m grateful that you have designed me to exercise a Godly dominion. You are sovereign … I’m designed to exercise dominion under your sovereignty. I yield myself to you to be transformed from the inside out. I say “Amen”—let it be—to your authority flowing through me in all spheres of my life! I take initiative moving forward. May you be glorified in every way …

Was this email forwarded to you? It's all about going above and beyond as an Apprentice of Christ's Kingdom. Get your own sub here.

Appreciate you. Until next time.

Brian Del Turco

P.S.  "Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." (Apostle Paul)

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