Attention! 7 Signs You're Coming to Life (April 21, 2023)

Friday, April 21, 2023

Hello, Friend

Welcome to the Royal Brew Letter ... the only eLetter that's offended if you don't read it. Wait ... you are reading it. Whew! We're okay.

Hello! I'm stuck in the analysis of paralysis

I think we can easily over-complicate things and lock up in the paralysis of analysis.

This can happen when we're awash in a swell of variables and continually analyzing solutions ... instead of exploring, poking and probing, and taking some action.

What if journeying on God's destiny path was more simple than we know? We can consecrate everything to Him and trust His providence.

Of course, in all this, passionately quest to be led by the Word and the Spirit.

Faith movement: your destiny path

With a little life experience, we can discover the work and activities which energize us the most. In these pursuits we potentially sense the greatest fulfillment and have the most influence.

Take a look at this graphic I put together ...

The golden arrow is a pathway — our quest to move towards our best possible future in God.

The thin line is our exploring and experiencing different things. We bank these experiences.

As we intersect with our best pathway, we enjoy our highest vitality and a sense of meaning.

Attention! These experiences and indicators speak to us.

This is the golden pathway we’re seeking. The heightened energies we experience are bright markers, pointing the way to a unique, preferred future.

The question is, will we tune in to the indicators?

LATEST EPISODE: The Cross Factor: Unlock Your Life (Ep 307)  Listen >

7 signs you're coming to life

As you intersect with your best pathway, expect the following signals. They will empower you to get clear on the work and activities which move the needle for you.

1  YOU COME ALIVE! When you do the things designed for you, you will experience your highest levels of energy. You will sense it. Others will sense your higher vitality too.

2  YOU’LL SMILE ON THE INSIDE. And probably the outside too. Even more, you may feel that Someone above you is smiling. We’re beautiful when we smile.

3  DESIRE REALIZED IS A “TREE OF LIFE.” You begin to sense that your desires will be fulfilled. The Scriptures encourage us … “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life” (Prov 13:12 NLT).

 GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO BE HAPPY. We’re meant to live with deep-seated gladness. As you discover what’s on your finest pathway, the satisfaction will deepen. There’s no virtue in being sad. Or depressed. We even have a moral obligation to choose happiness. Serve the Lord with gladness.

5  WHAT GIVES RISE TO PASSION? Resolve to not leave passion on the table. Get articulate about your passions. Your passion level will elevate on your best pathway moving forward.

6  AFFIRMATION FROM OTHERS. You will get feedback that the arrows are pointing in the right direction. People who care about you and have your best interests at heart will see it all over you. Listen to them, not the naysayers. They enjoy the higher energy (increased voltage and vitality!) you are radiating. They too benefit because you are living from a place of giftedness.

7  CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ALIGN. As you advance with more accuracy on your best pathway, circumstances will align with your design. They’ll support you more and more. This is Providence. Good things start happening. You will feel like things are beginning to cheer you on. It’s something of a mystery!

Clarity come to those who want it

I'm not saying that everything will be fairy dust!

There will be resistance and tough times. But the longer perspective is what we're after. It's the best pathway. God will help you.

As we’re mindful and reflect, time and experience will bring clarity to our life journey.

On the negative side, pain and chronic frustration speak to us too. This is a gift. It’s said that pain is a catalyst for adult learning readiness.

So learn to discern. Pay attention to your heart. Reflect. Ask for wisdom from beyond yourself.

How does this make you feel? What are you sensing right now?

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Appreciate you. Until next time.

Brian Del Turco


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