Is the Micro Ekklesia the Real Mega? (Ep 149)

Is the Holy Spirit breathing on a Kingdom trendline today … the Micro Ekklesia?

Could Jesus be recovering something original and radical? Is an ancient-futurist expression of a “city on a hill” emerging that moves the needle in society and culture?

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Jesus co-opted a secular construct and infused it with Kingdom DNA — and it’s the real authority!

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Go Deeper — Is the Micro Ekklesia the Real Mega?

Key Takeaways from this episode

Can it be that Jesus co-opted an existing secular institution with imperial authority (the Ekklesia) and infused it with Kingdom DNA. He said he would build his church (Gk, ekklesia) in Matthew 16. Jesus gives us the “keys of the kingdom.” His intention is governance — “I will build my executive arm.” Ekklesia was a “gathering of those summoned” (Britannica). Thayer’s Greek Lexicon defines ekklesia a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating.

Note: Jesus said, “Repent (change your mind and life), for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The Kingdom has been inaugurated, but not yet fully consummated. The fullness of the Kingdom comes when Jesus comes again. Theologians refer to this as the “already, not yet” of the Kingdom. It’s already here within us, but not yet fully manifested. Received revelation, worship, and prayer are our highest kingdom activities. Then, we preserve and bless society and the world as Kingdom leaven, salt, and light. We can taste the powers of the Age to Come!

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The ekklesia in Athens convened on a hill called the Pnyx (source: Wikipedia)

A Kingdom Quorum is the minimum number of individuals who gather in Jesus’ name. Jesus guarantees his presence in that gathering. The Ultimate Emperor is present. The Ekklesia is valid and authoritative! Jesus said in Matthew 18.19-20, “If two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.”

Coventus (co-ven-toos) was a Roman understanding that whenever and wherever Roman citizens met, the power and authority of the emperor was with them. The very presence and power of Rome were in their midst. Jesus co-opted this concept and infused it with Kingdom DNA.

Jesus also co-opted the term apostle (Gk, apostolos), an admiral in charge of a fleet of ships bringing people and building materials to build in a new territory a city that looked like Rome. A true Kingdom Ekklesia represents the Kingdom of the Heavens in the earth now.


RECEIVE A WEEKLY EMAIL WITH NEXT-LEVEL CONTENT — actionable insights and modeling from Jesus to help you live your best life. Plus, you’ll be in the know about new podcast episodes. Yes! Send me the eLetter.

The Age to Come has come upon us

“The age to come has come upon this age. That’s why Paul describes Christians as those ‘on whom the end of the ages has come’ (1 Corinthians 10:11)” — to go deep on this, see Already, Not Yet: How to Live in the Last Days (Desiring God). In Christ, we live in the overlap of This Age and the Age to Come. This has implications for demonstrating the supremacy of the Kingdom of God via healing, deliverance, prophecy, Higher Design, and more. We can taste the powers of the Age to Come!

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Image source: Already, Not Yet: How to Live in the Last Days (Desiring God)

A mind-bender: the overlapping of heaven and earth

The will of the Father—the Kingdom of God—will be completely realized at the Second Coming of Christ. But it’s already here now. Penetrating and expanding like leaven (Matthew 13:33). It develops from a tiny seed into a tree of refuge for many (Matthew 13:31-32). For more, read Jesus Is Questing for the Reunion of Heaven and Earth (Jesus Smart article).

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